Looking to buy or sell a home?

Representing Buyers and Sellers in San Diego and Riverside County


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About Kelly

Unparalleled Service. Expert Advice. Relationship First.

Ask anyone who has worked with Kelly, and they’ll tell you she’s known for forging authentic relationships rooted in genuine connection which makes it no surprise that her business has been built on repeat clients and referrals. Carving out a name for herself as a dedicated real estate agent, she proves to be the ideal professional to collaborate with.

“Within the first couple weeks of searching for my first home, I found what I was looking for! Kelly explained the importance of a strong offer, advocated for me, and we won on the property. I was in escrow in less than a month, I couldn’t have done it without her.”


Partnering with Buyers and Sellers at Every Price Point

I offer assistance with various real estate needs, including buying a first home, selling, upgrading, downsizing, or investing in property. If you have questions about real estate strategies, I’m a great resource of information.



Investment Property

New Build

Service after the Sale

I maintain communication after the sale to ensure client satisfaction with a goal of fostering long-term relationships. By staying in touch, I can address any post-sale concerns promptly, offer assistance with settling into the new property, and provide updates on market trends that may impact your investment.



Investment Property

New Build


Who you work with matters.

Whether you are a buyer or seller, as a knowledgeable and skilled agent, I provide valuable insight, guide my clients through the process, and help them make informed decisions. 


Know what to expect at a glance.


Helpful information at a glance.

Property Taxes

California property tax calendar.

frequently asked questions

You ask? I answer.

Do I need a pre-approval letter?

Yes! Pre-Qualification is an informal you “might qualify for”, non-committal determination by the lender or mortgage broker. Pre-Approval is a formal determination in writing, subject to collecting all needed documentation, on a loan amount up to a specified amount from the lender or mortgage broker. You will receive a letter of pre-approval, which gives you more negotiating power and leverage over a buyer that is not pre-approved. Additionally, you have a price range to work in and we can start the search!

Do you work with first time buyers?

Yes, working with first-time home buyers is a rewarding and fulfilling experience! By providing tailored guidance and educational support, I aim to empower them to make informed decisions and achieve their homeownership dreams. From conducting market research to assisting with property searches and negotiating favorable terms, I prioritize personalized attention to ensure each buyer feels confident and prepared throughout the journey. Guiding first-time buyers isn’t just about facilitating a transaction; it’s about building trust, fostering understanding, and ultimately helping them embark on a new chapter of their lives with excitement and confidence.

How do I make an offer?

Prior to submitting an offer, I will thoroughly review the contract with you to ensure that you comprehend all clauses, terms, sections, and contingencies. Once the purchase agreement is finalized, it will be forwarded to the listing agent.

What if I have to sell my current home in order to buy?

If selling your current home is a prerequisite for purchasing a new one, we’ll strategically plan the process to accommodate your needs. This involves listing your current home, ensuring it’s attractively priced and effectively marketed to potential buyers. We’ll coordinate the timing of your sale and purchase to minimize any gaps and negotiate terms that prioritize your interests. With a tailored approach we’ll work together to facilitate a smooth transition from selling your current home to securing your new one.

I'm worried about underpricing. Can we list high to test the market?

Setting the right price for a home is crucial when listing it for sale, as it greatly influences the outcome of the sale. Overpricing a home can lead to prolonged time on the market, potentially causing it to lose appeal. Homes that linger unsold may raise doubts among buyers and their agents, complicating the selling process even if the price is eventually lowered. Accurately pricing a home from the outset is key to attracting buyers and maximizing the chances of a successful sale.

What is the current market value of my property?

Determining the current market value of your property relies on various factors such as location, size, condition, recent sales of comparable properties, and market trends. To provide an accurate assessment, it’s essential to schedule an appointment for me to view your home. This will enable me to evaluate its features and condition accurately. Following the assessment, I’ll be able to offer insights into the potential value of your property in today’s market.

Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.


Why I Work by Referral

I prioritize relationships over transactions. Unlike some real estate agents who adopt a transactional mindset, focusing solely on identifying clients, closing deals, and swiftly moving on, my approach is different. I rely primarily on referrals from those who know and trust me. By investing time in building genuine connections within my referral program, I can fully dedicate myself to activities that best serve my clients, consistently providing exceptional service.

Referral Program

I'm never too busy for your referrals. If you're interested in learning more about my referral program, I'd love to meet for a cup of coffee or tea on me or just give me a call!

Across the Map - Refferal

I've achieved significant success in leveraging my out-of-state network. Whether you or a family member are seeking the assistance of a like-minded real estate professional in a different part of the country, I can facilitate that connection. Beyond active real estate transactions, there are numerous ways I can be of service to you, so feel free to contact me without hesitation.


Kind Words from My Clients

Kelly is an agent that truly and sincerely cares about her clients. She always puts their needs and wants first. I would not hesitate one bit to recommend Kelly to anyone looking to buy or sell in the areas she serves. You will not be disappointed.

Matt L.

If you ever wonder what a realtor should be like, Kelly is the definition of that! She will fight for you and make sure you’re getting the best care. My wife and I had no idea what we’re doing (we still don’t lol) but Kelly made sure to guide us every step of the way during the process of buying our first home. She explained things in a simple way that made sense for us newbies. She broke down each step and explained what to expect during its phase. I’m telling you, if you are looking to buy a house Kelly is your realtor . My wife and I are eternally grateful to have found such an amazing realtor. 10,000 % recommend her to anyone with any questions.

Camerino A.

As a first time homebuyer, Kelly advocated for me every step of the way. She was easy to work with, responsive, always answered all my questions and concerns. She has gone above and beyond for me throughout the home buying process. Even after the deal was done Kelly managed to get me a brand new dishwasher. I highly recommend working with Kelly, you will love her too!

Angel J.

Thanks Kelly for a great referral you gave for out of state investment property. It was timely and you referred a very reliable agent. The agent was very thorough and very knowledgeable about the locality. We were able close a property in 2 months. Once again, thanks for the referral.

Mahesh S.

Kelly DeLuca was an amazing real estate agent to work with and helped me every step of the way. This was the first house I had sold and didn't know what I was doing. I don't know what I would have done without her and would greatly encourage anyone to work with Kelly given the opportunity. Her guidance and counsel will always be remembered by my family and I can't thank her enough.

John S.